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  • Writer's pictureJoe Wheller

Is disability inclusion worth it when it comes to innovation?

Updated: Jul 9

Large yellow square with the words "Inclusive Innovation". Plus the logo of Untapped Opinions.

Organisations that innovate around disability inclusion make 1.6 times more revenue, 2.6 times more net income, 2 times more economic profit and are 25% more productive versus competitors [Source: Accenture and Disability:IN report, "The Disability Inclusion Imperative"].

During your last piece of ethnographic research, ideation session, or concept crafting event, did you ensure you were incorporating the perspectives of people with a disability?

At Untapped Opinions, we're the inclusive insights people who can help close the gap between organisations and disabled people.

Do you have any examples of where inclusive innovation has helped your organisation enhance its offer or find a great product idea? We'd love to hear, post below 👇

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