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  • Writer's pictureJoe Wheller

Is accessibility regressing?

Updated: Jul 10

Large green square with the words, Inclusive Banking Insight. Plus the Untapped Opinions logo.

Last week I was speaking to a gentleman with a severe visual impairment. He has banked with First Direct for many years, telephone banking being a great fit for his access needs and their weekly SMS summarising his account situation was highly valued.

@First Direct have announced they’re cutting SMS services on August 10th and have told him he can get all the information he needs via their app.

Apps are great. You can do loads more with an app than an SMS.

Unless you find it hard to see and navigate the content.

There are over 2 million people in the UK living with sight loss and 1-in-5 will live with sight loss in their lifetime. What many people don’t know is that 93% Of those who are registered as blind can still see to some degree.

Change and adjustment is inevitable but, as a society, we can tailor change to be inclusive or exclusive.  Inclusivity is a choice, it is an action. At Untapped Opinions we're the inclusive insights people who close the gap between organisations and people with a disability; we help organisations take inclusive actions through having a better understanding of needs and experience.

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